发表于 2011-12-9 04:18:11
回复 Todd47 的帖子
I am in class right now{:6_286:}
no chinese input...
so u dont have to also use english{:6_313:}
发表于 2011-12-9 04:34:11
回复 quay3000 的帖子
{:6_282:}we could just set up "Language Specific" part in this forums (拍飛
发表于 2011-12-10 04:12:39
quay3000 发表于 2011-12-9 04:16 static/image/common/back.gif
回复 啊酱家的猫 的帖子
that is clearly not reasonable
why not?!!!!
话说为毛要说英语= =老子无力了=- =